For everything small and special – the adhesive frames

Adhesive frames work, as their name suggests, in combination with adhesive backing. This backing is attached to the hoop before the material to be embroidered is glued to it. After the embroidery process, the embroidery material is simply removed and the resulting hole in the stabilizer is filled with a new layer. The hoops allow embroidery in places that would otherwise not be possible and make it possible to embellish even the smallest items.
What kind of adhesive
frames are available?

The adhesive frames are only available as a 7-in-1 set. This consists of a holder and seven frames in different sizes and shapes. Here are their designations and the dimensions of the embroidery field (width x depth) in brackets:
Advantages of the
adhesive frame
When using adhesive backing, the adhesive collects in the rotary hook and other moving parts of the embroidery machine. This can lead to increased problems with thread breakage etc. It is therefore essential to clean and maintain the embroidery machine thoroughly on a regular basis.